


Natančni miniaturni ležaji z navorom z majhnim trenjem se uporabljajo na visokotehnoloških področjih, kot so vesoljska industrija, natančne merilne naprave itd., Kar zahteva dolgo življenjsko dobo in visoko zanesljivost. Zaradi posebne narave uporabljenih delov je mazanje ležajev praviloma trdno mazanje ali mazanje s tankim oljem.

Instrumentacijski ležaji se uporabljajo predvsem za senzorske ležaje, zunanje vremenske instrumente, vodoravne instrumente, instrumente za označevanje in infrardeče instrumente.

1) Na splošno uporabljajte natančne instrumentalne ležaje ABEC ravni 5 ali več.

2) Navor trenja ležaja mora biti majhen; imenuje se miniaturni ležaj brez trenja.

3) Due to the small load, the instrument bearing does not have to consider fatigue and life, but there are certain requirements for noise; the instrumentation industry generally requires highly sensitive miniature bearings.

4) When selecting the bearing fit, it is not necessary to consider the influence of the load on the life, but mainly consider the thermal expansion of the shaft and the influence of the shaft assembly. Therefore, a fit with a small interference should be selected.

5) The working clearance of the bearing is small or zero, but the negative play should be avoided to cause friction and heat increase.

The bearings are widely used in various types of instruments and meters, and currently cooperate with many domestic and foreign precision instrument manufacturers.

Med njimi se za geodetske instrumente uporablja 6700zz (10x15x4) in 685zz (5x11x5).

693 (3x8x3), 692zz (2x6x3) za senzorje nivoja, linijske projektorje, pometače in navpične merilnike.

624zz (4x13x5) je nameščen na senzor za veter.

682 (2x5x1,5) se nanese na senzor pomika rešetkaste črte.