Predogled IMTS: B&R Industrial Automation

B&R Industrial Automation Corp bo na stojnici E-134111 predstavil tehnologijo gosenic, ki omogoča Adaptive Machine. Prilagodljivi stroj se lahko sproti spreminja, poleg tega pa lahko na isti osnovni strojni platformi znova konfigurira z različnimi proizvodnimi moduli.

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Ta nova generacija proizvodnih strojev je enostavno prilagodljiva nenehnim spremembam velikosti in formata. Poleg tega ga je mogoče prilagoditi radikalnim in nepredvidenim zahtevam z ustreznimi spremembami opreme, na primer z zamenjavo varilnega modula z oblikovalnim modulom.

Adaptive machines are defined by individually controlled modules with multidirectional movement, tight synchronization with other (often robotic) devices, and exceptional production flexibility. Adaptive machinery will compare favorably in all aspects of productivity measurement – OEE, ROI, TCO – as lot and batch sizes shrink and throughput (lead time and volume) requirements remain critical.

Additionally, IMTS attendees can also discover the world’s first field device for OPC UA. The new X20 I/O system bus controller makes it possible to implement OPC UA communication from the sensor layer to the ERP layer without any interfaces whatsoever.

B&R has further expanded its portfolio of modular mapp software components. IMTS attendees will also be introduced to the new mapp RoboX and mapp Teach that make it faster and easier than ever to get robotic systems configured and ready for operation.

IMTS attendees will also learn about HTML5 based HMI development using the new mapp View. For the first time, automation engineers have all the tools they need to create powerful and intuitive web-based HMI solutions – without the need to learn HTML5, CSS or JavaScript.

Udeleženci IMTS bodo izvedeli tudi več o knjižnici SafeDESIGNER za tiskovne aplikacije. B&R je eden prvih proizvajalcev, ki ponuja celoten nabor funkcijskih blokov, določenih v PLCopen, del 4. Posledično bodo uporabniki, ki delajo z varnostno kritičnimi aplikacijami za stiskanje, veliko lažje nastavili potrebne varnostne funkcije.
